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Digital Caliper

Digital Caliper


Caliper range:

0 ~ 150mm, 0 ~ 200mm, 0 ~ 300mm, etc.,

General resolution 0.02mm, also have 0.1mm and 0.05mm,

The accuracy generally ± 0.03mm, still have ± 0.04mm and ± 0.05mm.

Mainly have three types caliper: vernier calipers, calipers with tables and electronic digital calipers .


1. Vernier caliper. The use of the vernier principle of subdividing the readings of the ruler-shaped hand-carried universal length measurement tool, mainly used to measure the inner diameter, outer diameter, step and depth. Read the integer part of the value from the main ruler, read the decimal part from the vernier scale.Three kinds of minimum reading value 0.02mm, 0.05mm and 0.01mm.


2. Dial caliper. Precision rack and pinion tooth distance as a known length, with the corresponding index of the indication dial as a magnification, subdivision and indication of the part of the large hand-carried length measurement tool. Calipers with meter can solve the problem of reading error of vernier calipers . Common minimum reading value are 0.01mm and 0.02mm.


3.   Digital calipers. The use of capacitive grids, magnetic grids and other measurement systems, the value show with digital display. Commonly used resolution is 0.01mm, allowable error is ± 0.03mm/150mm. also has a resolution of 0.005mm high-precision digital calipers, allowable error is ± 0.015mm/150mm. Due to intuitive, clear readings, measurement efficiency is higher than above two.

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